The key to striper fishing is finding turbulent water and fishing in it; or maybe better, at the edge of it.
Water Flowing Over an Edge Creates Turbulence
Stripers are endowed with powerful tails and large fins which allow them to maneuver and swim with control even in strong current. Turbulent water stirs up the bottom, uncovering clams, sand fleas, crabs and other crustaceans. It also jostles around and disorients baitfish. Despite the turbulent water, stripers can still swim with power and control and pick off their favorite delicacies.
Stripers will set up near edges and structure where turbulence caused by fast current disorients their prey, and where currents bring the baitfish to them.
The most obvious place to find turbulence is near the beach, right in front of you. Where the waves are breaking and in the wash, is where you will find the stripers, unless the sunlight is too strong. In that case they will move out into deeper water to avoid the light. But in the early morning, and at dusk look for them in the tubulence right in front of you.
When they first start fishing for stripers, many anglers target the calmer, deeper water. They don't realize the stripers are in or near the turbulent water.
This is why striper fishing from the surf is best at the beginning of storms, when the turbulence increases. In the latter stages of storms, however, the water sometimes gets so stirred up with sand and silt and weeds that the stripers can't see your bait. Excessive turbulence is not good.
Turbulence is highest when the current is moving. When turbulence decreases, such as it does during the slack periods at the high and low ends of the tide, the stripers lose their advantage over their prey. This is the time the stripers rest and digest their recent meals. The stripers take a break. Time for you to take a break also. Come back when the tide changes and the current gets going again.
Turbulence Caused By Wave Action. The wave action stirs up the bottom, uncovering sand fleas, crabs, clams and other food items that stripers seek.